Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sick and being prego!

Ok i am so sick of being SICK! lol... my gyno would not see me because i had a fever for 3 days and she wanted me to go to the ER. So i go their i have to pay $150.00 and they tell me i don't have a fever anymore and then they gave me a perscription and did the Doppler on me. Now let me tell you i feel like i was holding my breath for 15 min. because they could not find the heart beat. FINALLY... we heard his/her heartbeat real fast and the baby moved away quickly but i was praying real hard to hear that heartbeat. =) So now today i am feeling much better and i am taking some sort of pill for 10 days, 4 times a day and poor Brody he is so sick too and he is on two medications. But we are getting through it. Thanks for all the prayers and nice comments on facebook.